Wednesday, July 24, 2024
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Japanese verb forms JLPT N5 | Jisho form | Japanese dictionary form + Japanese verb exercises

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Japanese verb forms: The biggest difficulty we Westerners have when learning Japanese is that it is a language different from Spanish or English or other Western languages.

But not all the news was going to be bad news for students, as Japanese has a very simple way of working with verbs.

Here are the basic rules that Japanese verbs follow, paying attention is very important:

– Japanese verbs do not have singular/plural conjugation or gender conjugation  such as masculine or feminine.

– Japanese verbs always come at the end of a sentence.

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– There are only 2 basic verb tenses: past and present. The end of a future action is indicated by the verb in its present tense.

– There are only 2 irregular verbs and little irregularity in other verbs.

What verb forms exist in Japanese | What are the Japanese verb forms like?

In Japanese there are four basic verb forms which are the “Dictionary Form”,  the “Masu Form”,  the “Nai Form”, and the “Te Form”, with which most actions can be expressed.

In this article we will talk about the “Dictionary Form” and the “Masu Form”.

The Japanese Dictionary Form 辞書形 | What is the Japanese dictionary form like?

The dictionary form is the verb form found in a dictionary. You could say that it is similar to the “infinitive” in Spanish.

The dictionary form always ends in the vowel u. Let’s look at some examples:

買うかう    kau buy
見るみる mirusee
The dictionary form in Japanese

What are the 3 Japanese verb groups |JLPT N5 Verb List

Japanese verbs are usually classified into three types: Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3.

Group 1: Here we find all verbs with the dictionary form ending in one of the following 9 syllables: Within this group are all verbs whose dictionary form ends in one of the following 9 syllables: う (-u), る (-ru), つ (-tsu), く (-ku), ぐ (gu), す (-su), ぬ (nu), む (mu), ぶ (bu).

The most common Japanese verbs in group 1 are:

会うあう(au)be found at
言うい う (iu)say
売る うる (uru)sell
選ぶえらぶ (erabu)choose
泳ぐおよぐ (oyogu)swim
遊ぶあそぶ (asobu)play
急ぐいそぐ (isogu)hurry up
脱ぐぬぐ (nugu)take off your clothes
消すけす (kesu)turn off
乗るのる (noru)ride / climb
買うかう (kau)buy
聞くきく (kiku)listen
読むよむ (yomu)read
座るすわる (suwaru)sit
持つもつ (motsu)have / carry
待つまつ (matsu)wait
立つたつ (tatsu)stand up
書くかく (kaku)write
死ぬしぬ (shinu)*
El único verbo que acaba en nu
歩くあるく (aruku)walk
話すはなす (hanasu)speak
貸すかす (kasu)provide
飲むのむ (nomu)drink
休むやすむ (yasumu)rest
呼ぶよぶ (yobu)call
Group 1 Japanese verbs ending in u

Group 2: Here we will find verbs with their dictionary form ending in “-iる(-iru )” or “-eる ( -eru)”.

The most common verbs in group 2 are:

——- あげる (ageru)gift / give
——-いる (iru)to be / to have
教えるおしえる (oshieru)teach
起きるおきる (okiru)get up
借りるかりる (kariru)borrow
食べるたべる (taberu)eat
見るみる (miru)see
Group 2 Japanese verbs ending in iru and eru

However, it should be noted that some of the verbs ending in these endings belong to group 1, they are exceptions. What does it mean that they are an “exception”? It means that despite ending in 〜いる or 〜える they are inflected as group 1 verbs:

For example:

  • 入る (はいる hairuenter
  • 走る (はしる hashirurun
  • 減る (へる herudecrease
  • 知る (しるshiruknow / know how
  • 帰る (かえる kaeruback to
  • 切る (きる kirucut
  • 蹴る (ける kerukick

Group 3: Here we find the “irregular” verbs, but there are only two verbs: 来る (くる kuru) come, する (する suru*) make.

  • In the case of “Suru ” it is usually part of two-word verbs such as 勉強する (benkyoo surustudy o 旅行する (ryokoo surutravel.

Dictionary Form Summary

– Normally verbs ending in -iru or -eru are group 2, as we saw there are exceptions that belong to group 1.

– Group 3 is formed by the verbs “kuru” (to come) and “suru” (to do).


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Here below this sentence you have the self-correcting interactive exercise online. Click on correct answers, don’t click on send to the teacher, I can’t look at everything you send.

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You may be interested in JLPT N5:

Japanese verbs
Japanese verbs, dictionary form
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Todo sobre Japon
We are lovers and specialists in Japan, one of us with a master's degree in Japanese culture, studying in Japan and Spain, also with Japanese language course with JLPT N3 (Noken 3) ofical qualification and superior qualification of tourist guide. We are a family of 5 members, and our 3 daughters are named Yuna, Yui and Yuki in honor of Japan, we love to travel (I have even traveled to Japan pregnant and with a baby on occasion) so we can bring you not only to Japan more otaku and cultural, but the face that not everyone teaches, traveling with children to Japan and places to visit with them.We love Japan, its culture, its people, its language, its cities, its small towns, its nature, its food, its anime and manga, its souvenirs... EVERYTHING ABOUT JAPAN!We invite you to see the traditional Japan and the secret Japan on our website and our Youtube.We are All About Japan: Your best travel guide to Japan
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